Our Under 5s group is run for all those who look after children under 5. We welcome parents, grandparents, childminders and nannies. We have lots of toys to play with including active ride on toys, jigsaws, building toys and a mat with toys for babies. Activities include painting, crafts and a time of action songs at the end of the morning.
Our aim is to give an opportunity for parents and carers to come and make friends while the children play.
Simple refreshments (a drink & biscuit) are provided for children and adults.
Entry costs £1 per family.
We meet every Monday including school holidays (except bank holidays) from 10.00 to 11.30am in the hall.
For more information please email at under5s.rmc@gmail.com or look at the Redhill Methodist Underfives Facebook page.
In order to keep us safe we will have to limit numbers