We believe in God as Creator of all things. This means that all things are potentially good. When we do harm to any part of creation we upset its fine balance. God loves and values every part of his creation.
God loves and values every person. God wants us to put him first, to love and serve him with all that we are: our minds, hearts, feelings and human strength, and to express our love and care for one another in all that we do.
In Christ, God became a human being to live among us and knows what it's like to be young, old, unsure about the future, lonely, rejected...
- He inspires us by his life and example.
- He offers healing and forgiveness through his death
- and the possibility of new life through his resurrection
Through God's Spirit within us, we are given grace and strength to serve one another.
Our deepest needs are met in God. Nothing can separate us from God: he is with us now and we will continue living in his loving presence for ever.
This eternal life, which is God's gift to us, includes forgiving one another, living in harmony, showing love to those who hurt us, selflessness, compassion... It can grow within us through God's grace, and it cannot be destroyed